Friday, December 12, 2008

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Hey, new vegetarian turkey-lovers! ever heard of the oh-so delicious turkey sub? Tofurkey is tofu turkey, Tofu-urkey. Say it with me: To-Fur-Kii. Tofurey. Try saying that 3 times fast. I can't. Well, this blog isn't about tounge-twisters, but I should make one about that. Any way, before I get even more off topic, Tofurkey comes with delicious mushroom gravy, and it's perfect for any vegetarian cold-turkey addict (Tee-Hee).

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hey People!

Hi guys, and welcome to Let It Live! I'm Brooklyn, and I'm a Vegan! Do you love animals, no mater how gross they are? Well I do! I'll see you next week! And remember: LET IT LIVE!